Every corporation and home needs regular maintenance work to stay in top shape. While individual homes need maintenance work on plumbing, furniture, electricity and civil work. Corporations have distinct requirements for maintenance work as per the niche they operate. Apart from the regular chore of maintaining their office and demo locations, corporations need maintenance work for the products they sell.
What does maintenance work cover?
Maintenance work covers hygiene jobs like electrical repairs, furniture repairs and plumbing repairs. It also covers the niche areas like EV charging, rooftop solar, modular kitchen, gym equipment, appliances and demonstrations.
Do you manufacture or sell products?
Are you a manufacturer or seller of products that need regular maintenance work? No one else would understand the value of a good maintenance job. A customer needs complete satisfaction and quick service delivery. While selling and manufacturing needs dedicated expertise, maintenance work requires corporations to build a separate workforce and systems.
How do Conventional Brands offer Maintenance Work?
Traditional brands like to do everything on their own, a typical control based organisational system. They hire a few technicians who can render the maintenance work. However, this arrangement limits the reach of such corporations.
Organisations also tend to partner with local handyman professionals on an ad-hoc basis, compromising quality and running around for petty cash and local accounting.
How do Modern Brands offer Maintenance Work?
Some of the top manufacturers and sellers use the services of Easy Fix to extend their maintenance work and service using Easy Fix's expertise.
What is Easy Fix?
Easy Fix is India's leading handyman outsourcing provider with over ten years of experience working with niche brands and helping them to bridge the gap between sales and service delivery. Easy Fix recruits, manages, trains and monitors technicians to help brands deliver a dependable service experience.
How Easy Fix Delivers Maintenance Work?
Brands can get into an annual agreement with Easy Fix and access applications for placing maintenance work requests. A technician is assigned based upon experience, ratings, certifications and skill set using the advanced machine learning algorithms. Easy Fix also provides complete customer care support, training and audit to manage a high customer satisfaction score.
What are the advantages of using Easy Fix?
Can brands get a Demo of Easy Fix Services?
Yes, Brands can get a demo of Easy Fix maintenance work and other services by simply filling the below form.
How do Individuals get access to Easy Fix Services?
Individuals can book orders using this website and get experienced professionals for their homes.